Title: Foster Clark's Jelly Crystal 85g Mango
Brand: Foster Clarks
Product Type: Jelly
Country of Origin: Malta
Net Weight: 85 gm
Flavor: Mango
Number of Items: 1
Features: No pork in gelatin.
Foster Clark's Mixed Fruit Jam Strawberry is prepared with all natural ingredients, no preservatives, and no artificial flavors or colors. Enjoy the rich, fruit filled taste spread on toast, for a delicious breakfast or a simple but tasty snack
Suitable For: Enjoy the rich, fruit filled taste spread on toast, for a delicious breakfast or a simple but tasty snack.
Ingredients: Fruit Jam Mango is prepared with all natural ingredients, no preservatives, and no artificial flavors or colors.
How to Store: Once prepared, store in refrigerator and consume within three days.
Nutritional Facts: Energy, Fat, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Protein, Sodium, Salt etc.